Android App For Confluence Cloud

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Open the Confluence Cloud app today and start working better together on the go! Got an iOS phone, too? Download our iOS app for Confluence.
Android App For Confluence Cloud
Android App For Confluence Cloud

We’ve added more features to help you stay connected to your team and keep work moving, from anywhere.

With the Confluence app you can now:

* Create and edit pages on your phone–it's here!

* Stay up to date with your team's work with notifications for new pages, @mentions, replies, pages shares, and tasks

* Go to any space and browse using the page tree

* Respond on-the-go with comments and likes

* Easily search across Confluence for pages and recent work

* Move seamlessly between your JIRA & Confluence apps to stay on top of tasks

Open the Confluence Cloud app today and start working better together on the go! Got an iOS phone, too? Download our iOS app for Confluence

Our content management platform lets you manage your custom web apps at an affordable price. Interested in posting a blog or advertising a product? Cloudy Move is more than just a page builder. You are one step closer to get the best results.

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