Stack Overflow company

Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow's public platform is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers.
Stack Overflow Company
Stack Overflow Company

Empowering the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

Our public platform serves 100 million people every month, making it one of the 50 most popular websites in the world.

Our asynchronous knowledge management and collaboration offering Stack Overflow for Teams, is transforming how people work.

Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow’s public platform is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers.

Our products and tools help developers and technologists in life and at work. These products include Stack Overflow for Teams, Stack Overflow Advertising, and Stack Overflow for Talent and Jobs.

Stack Overflow for Teams, our core SaaS collaboration product, is helping thousands of companies around the world make the transition to remote work, address business continuity challenges, and undergo digital transformation.

Whether it’s on Stack Overflow or within Stack Overflow for Teams, community is at the center of all that we do.

Our core values

Adopt a customer-first mindset

Authentically serve our customers by empowering, listening and collaborating with our fellow Stackers.

Be flexible and inclusive

We do our best work when a diverse group of people collaborate in an environment of respect and trust. Create space for different voices to be heard, and allow flexibility in how people work.

Be transparent

Communicate openly and honestly, both inside and outside the company. Encourage transparency from others by being empathetic, reliable, and acting with integrity.

Empower people to deliver outstanding results

Give people space to get their job done, support them when they need it, and practice blameless accountability.

Keep community at our center

Community is at the heart of everything we do. Nurture healthy communities where everyone is encouraged to learn and give back.

Learn, share, grow

Adopt a Growth Mindset. Be curious and eager to learn. Aim for ethical, sustainable, long-term growth, both personally and in the company.

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