UBDI - Universal Basic Data Income

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Own your data with UBDI & see what Big Tech sells on you. Use YOUR data to join data-verified communities where you can talk with your trades, your newest fitness routine, or even your fast food spending. Learn about yourself & each other, while EARNING as you get paid for ads and research.
Ubdi Universal Basic Data Income
Ubdi Universal Basic Data Income

Own your data with UBDI & see what Big Tech sells on you. Use YOUR data to join data-verified communities where you can talk with your trades, your newest fitness routine, or even your fast food spending. Learn about yourself & each other, while EARNING as you get paid for ads and research.

Talk, Learn, Earn.

anonymously, with your data

UBDI is the #1 digital destination for your data where you can anonymously Talk, Learn, Earn with communities of people just like you!

Real & honest opinions are long overdue

Learn how backgrounds shape opinions for more honesty. Get out of your bubble from the comfort of your couch by leveraging the same platform that Fortune 500 brands use for research to learn about the world and the people in it

Your Data’s Got Your Back

There isn’t a platform where you can speak freely without fear of trolls, until now. We’re removing the “cancel culture” because your opinion does matter and your data will help explain why. Our goal is to protect your identity while sharing the traits that build your clout and your digital persona

Learn with your data insights

Companies have the best data to learn from you but you’re left out of the equation. It’s time we level the playing field.

Earn from your data

UBDI is ad-free but if you want to use your data to earn cash and points by opting into our privacy-respecting research and ads platform, you’ll get paid anytime we get paid!

How does it work?

UBDI helps people make money by sharing anonymous insights from their data that companies need for market research. We use private sharing technology to ensure only aggregated, anonymized information from members is used.

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“Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that hinders progress”. Bring more traffic, use our tools and thrive in the digital world. By creating your free profile, you are one step closer to get the best results. Sign up now!

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