Buy Dogecoin (DOGE) in India

Price: 33.69 INR
Stock: 470
Earn: 3.37 Tokens
Buy Dogecoin In India
Buy Dogecoin In India
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a fun, and rapidly growing form of digital currency. It is an open-source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on the popular ‘doge’ internet meme. Created originally as a joke poking fun at Bitcoin, Dogecoin was forked from Litecoin in 2013 and utilises the same underlying technology.

Dogecoin can be used for peer-to-peer (P2P) value exchange, payment for e-commerce to buy goods and services, or trade it for other currencies (both other cryptocurrencies or FIAT currency like AUS dollars).
Although it was originally created as a joke, DOGE has risen to be one of the most popular cryptocurrencies and has strong community support. Many well known individuals and online groups have rallied behind DOGE coin and continue to do so.
One of the most popular uses for Dogecoin is "tipping" fellow internet-goers who create or share great content. Think of it as a more meaningful "like" or upvote, with real value that can be used all across the internet.

Despite having originated as a satire of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, Dogecoin has received growing community support and become a widely-accepted asset tradable for an increasing range of products and services.

Minimum purchase 235 Dogecoin (DOGE), rates subject to change on exchange rates. Invest every month to accumulate savings in your account. Must have a valid wallet in DreamozTech portal and KYC validated. Sign up now to start your cryptocurrency journey.
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