Where Can You Find ‘One-Stop Shopping’ For Social Security

One recent discovery is the Social Security Administration’s “mySocialSecurity” portal. It’s like a superstore for Social Security benefits and information.
Where Can You Find One Stop Shopping For Social Security
Where Can You Find One Stop Shopping For Social Security

I always loved the idea of getting nearly everything I need in one place. Like a lot of guys, I hate shopping around.

One recent discovery is the Social Security Administration’s “mySocialSecurity” portal. It’s like a superstore for Social Security benefits and information.

After you sign up online, you can access a number of features:

If you are receiving benefits:

Set up or change direct deposit

Get a Social Security 1099 (SSA-1099) form

Opt out of mailed notices for those available online

Print a benefit verification letter

Change your address

If you are not receiving benefits:

Get personalized retirement benefit estimates

Get estimates for spouse’s benefits

Get proof that you do not receive benefits

Check your application status

Get your Social Security Statement

This site even allows you to replace a lost Social Security card. Of course, it doesn’t do everything. You’ll still need to do retirement income planning on your own. But as a supplement to that process, this portal is a must-visit site for those planning retirement.

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