Rupee Blockchain

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RUPEE Solution for Remittance. Cryptocurrency for South Asia.
Rupee Blockchain
Rupee Blockchain

RUPEE - Solution for Remittance.

Cryptocurrency for South Asia.


Brand Recognition
Rupee as a brand known to 2 Billion people across South Asia. 25% of world population.

Rich History
Rupee has a rich history of almost 2300 years & has always been a symbol of trade.

Rupee team is working to bring it's E-Commerce solutions for everyone.

Decentralized Platform
Rupee Blockchain, is a Dash Hybrid based decentralized platform.

Rupee was built "by the people for the people" and takes great pride in our community.

Rewards Mechanism
Rupee runs on Masternodes. Masternodes are the next step in the decentralisation of digital currency.


Rupee’s mission is to be the go-to Cryptocurrency for the people of South Asia. Rupee aims to facilitate money remittances and enable merchants to accept a fast Cryptocurrency for goods and services. Rupee will enable the people of South Asia to cut out traditional middlemen such as banks.

1. For users with over 20,000 RUP the Masternode platform will earn a 65% block reward earning up to 60% interest on Rupee holdings.

2. Staking payouts are perfectly simple and easy to achieve, you simply leave the coins in a wallet that is open for staking and you will receive a 35% block reward.

3. Sending money to friends and family could not be any easier than with the Rupee mobile application. Payments can be sent instantly using the Rupee InstantSend feature with very low fees

4. Owners of Rupee keep their digital coins in Rupee digital wallet. The Rupee coin wallet can be encrypted so that the user has full control over it.

5. The RupeeBase marketplace will allow merchants to sell their products with low fees.

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