Whats New In Confluence Cloud

What's new in Confluence Cloud. Got goals? Give these templates a try.
Whats New In Confluence Cloud
Whats New In Confluence Cloud
Got goals? Give these templates a try
We've turned a set of our most popular goal setting plays from Atlassian's Team Playbook into Confluence templates to give you one place to set, track, and communicate your (rockstar) goals.

A refreshed Google Drive integration
Keep all your files in Confluence to create a single source of truth with the Google Drive integration. Embed and edit docs, sheets, and slides. Full screen take-over. Adjust height and width.

Celebrating Teams with Team mentions
Have you heard of Teams in Confluence? With Teams, you can track fluid groupings of people like project teams, leadership groups, squads, and more. And today, you can mention Teams on a Confluence page or in comments to quickly add every person from the team.

Make your pages full-width
We know you've asked for this and now it's here! Gaining full-width flexibility is great for pages that are information-rich where you don't want users to have to scroll down a page. You can now toggle between full-width or fixed-width using the toolbar.

New Confluence features for improved team productivity webinar
Join this free webinar to learn how your team can keep productivity high with new features in Confluence. This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from our awesome product team.

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