Upgrade Your Laptop or Desktop to a Solid State Drive

Price: 55.00 AUD
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Upgrade Your Laptop Or Desktop To A Solid State Drive
Upgrade Your Laptop Or Desktop To A Solid State Drive
Is your computer running slow? Upgrade your laptop or desktop’s ordinary hard disk to a Solid State Drive (SSD) and experience a significant boost in speed and performance!

SSD Options:
256GB SSD: $30
512GB SSD: $50

Call-Out Fee:
$25 anywhere in Melbourne

Service Includes:

Compatibility Check: We analyze your PC to ensure it can be upgraded, considering factors like the operating system, backup options, and other conditions.

SSD Size Assessment: We determine the appropriate SSD size for your needs.

Image Backup and Restoration: We take an image backup of your current hard disk and restore it to your new SSD.

Data Migration: We ensure all your data is safely migrated to the new SSD, so you don’t lose any important files or settings.

Additional Information:

1-Year Warranty: All SSDs come with a 1-year warranty.

Additional Support: If you need further assistance, a call-out fee of $25 will apply.

Important Note: If your computer has a virus or is faulty/damaged, we will not be able to perform the upgrade.

Extra Storage Option: You can purchase additional SSDs for storing music, files, and videos, also allowing you to separately store these files and take regular backups of your operating system and other important data to your backup SSD.

Contact Us: Ready to speed up your computer? Contact us today to schedule your upgrade!


Flexible, Business Hours, After office hours and weekends

Price Packages:

256 GB SSD Package $55 - You get a 256 GB SSD which includes call out fee

512 GB SSD Package $75 - You get a 512 GB SSD which includes call out fee

Support Only $25 - If you need additional support
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