8 Facebook ad metrics to know

8 Facebook ad metrics to know. To sum up, here's a list of 8 Facebook ad metrics to keep in your custom Ads Manager reports for a quick overview of all campaign types' results
Eight Facebook Ad Metrics To Know
Eight Facebook Ad Metrics To Know

8 Facebook ad metrics to know

To sum up, here's a list of 8 Facebook ad metrics to keep in your custom Ads Manager reports for a quick overview of all campaign types' results.

  • Conversions/results – total conversions
  • Unique conversions – might reveal a surprise of Facebook double-reporting some users' conversions
  • CPA – cost per conversion
  • ROAS – return on ad spend
  • Frequency – impressions/reach
  • Reach – total people who saw your ads 
  • CPM – cost per 1000 people reached
  • Cost – total campaign spend
One more tip: Look at the attribution of your campaigns from time to time and compare what % of conversions come from click-through v.s. view-through results.

You'll see that most Facebook ad conversions are view-through conversions, meaning that people don't click on your ads, but become aware of your product and look it up later. 

Reach- or Traffic-optimized campaigns

In addition to Prospecting and Remarketing campaigns that should be conversion-optimized, brands also run Awareness and Reach campaigns to broaden their target audience and build brand awareness.

To better understand when to use Awareness campaigns, read my guide on Facebook campaign structure.

When reporting on this type of reach-oriented campaigns, I look at completely different metrics:

  • Reach / target audience size – what % of my audience has been reached
  • Frequency – impressions/reach
  • CPM – cost per 1,000 people reached
Facebook campaigns that are optimized on Reach or Awareness rarely bring any conversions. The ROAS of such campaigns is usually 0 or something like 0.05.

And that's fine. The way to measure your Awareness campaigns' contribution to the overall marketing (and, ultimately, business results) is by looking at the blended CPAs and overall growth in sales (including paid and organic acquisition). 

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