Tezos: A blockchain designed to evolve

Tezos: A blockchain designed to evolve. Security focused. Upgradeable. Built to last. Evolutionary, revolutionary, and everything in-between.
Tezos A Blockchain Designed To Evolve
Tezos A Blockchain Designed To Evolve

Security focused. Upgradeable. Built to last.


Evolutionary, revolutionary, and everything in-between.

Institutional Grade Security.

Tezos is designed to provide the safety and code correctness required for assets and other high value use cases at both the protocol and application layers by leveraging languages OCaml and Michelson, which facilitate formal verification, a practice commonly used in mission-critical industries, spanning from nuclear and aerospace to semiconductor and others.

Governance by the People.

The Tezos platform was built with mechanisms to ensure active community governance and participation. Users can actively participate by evaluating, proposing, or approving amendments to Tezos. This design empowers the type of collaborative innovation that keeps Tezos on the bleeding edge of technology.

An Energy-Efficient Algorithm.

Unlike Proof-of-Work blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum, Tezos’ Proof-of-Stake requires significantly less energy and cost to operate, making it an ideal alternative platform for building blockchain applications that are eco-friendly.

Smarter Smart Contracts.

Tezos is one of the leading smart contracts Proof of Stake blockchains. Tezos smart contracts can use formal verification, allowing them to be mathematically verified, reliable, and secure.

Seamlessly, Forklessly, Endlessly Upgradeable.

Tezos is built to adjust, adapt, and add features and functionality through its proven on-chain upgrade mechanism.

Powerfully Scalable.

Tezos is built to remain state-of-the-art. Its modular architecture and formal upgrade mechanism minimizes disruptions while offering regular upgradability and enhanced functionality over time.


Smart Contracts.
Smart Governance.
Smart Design.

Tezos is an open-source platform that addresses key barriers facing blockchain adoption for assets and applications backed by a global community of validators, researchers, and builders. By design, Tezos embraces long-term upgradability, open participation, collaboration, and smart contract safety.

A community governed, ever-evolving technological vision.

Tezos continuously adds the latest innovation, seamlessly leveling up to deliver novel and new capabilities within the space through its upgrade mechanism. See how far we’ve come and help us imagine where Tezos will go in the future.

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