Tribe is the governance token of a DeFi stablecoin platform called Fei Protocol

Tribe is the governance token of a DeFi stablecoin platform called Fei Protocol
Tribe Is The Governance Token Of A Defi Stablecoin Platform Called Fei Protocol
Tribe Is The Governance Token Of A Defi Stablecoin Platform Called Fei Protocol
Tribe (TRIBE) is the governance token of a DeFi stablecoin platform called Fei Protocol. Tribe tokens can be utilised in liquidity mining pools to earn token rewards through DEX (Decentralised Exchange) partners.

The team has created a fully algorithmic stablecoin for DeFi, which aims to be more capital efficient, fairly distributed and is fully decentralised.

A stablecoin called FEI
FEI is a new kind of stablecoin. It is more capital efficient, has a fair distribution, and is fully decentralized. The protocol uses the value it controls to maintain liquid secondary markets.

Governed by a Tribe
TRIBE is the governance token that manages the protocol. TRIBE is governance minimized for peg maintenance, with an emphasis on upgrades and integrations. Join the discord community to learn more.

What is Tribe (TRIBE)?
TRIBE is the governance token of Fei Protocol. The goal of the Fei Protocol is to maintain a liquid market in which its stablecoin FEI trades closely to the ETH/USD price. Fei Protocol achieves this via a stability mechanism known as direct incentives. Fei Protocol has launched with a fully decentralized DAO, which is governed by the TRIBE token. TRIBE holders can vote on adding new bonding curves in new tokens or adjusting price functions of existing curves, and adjusting the allocation of Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) for new incoming funding or existing PCV fees.
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